Ehi bro, don't you copy?
I'm sure you do, so let's start.
So, today we are talking about germans and italians.
As I told you many times we have to completely rebuild our ideas and concepts about german guys.
Is not that they don't eat potatoes and meat, yes, they do sometimes (and is worth it!) but that's not the point.
We think about them as machines, or something like that, but it's not true: they cross the street even if the traffic light is red and they laugh every time in the office just like we italians do.
Yes, they are more organized and efficient. This means: a few burocracy, a few useless papers, more time to spend with your family.
And truly they do: spend more time with their children! I saw tons of fathers with their sons and daughters at the park, playing with them.
Yes, is very painful to organize your waste disposal, cuz they use to put it on the road in some particular days in the month (there is a kalendar that schedules all the days for every different area of the city) and if you miss a day you have to wait maybe two weeks. But this bring some advantage: fewer people working at the waste taking, no garbage bin, etc.
Sometimes I hardly see the difference between us, in some cases are very subtle differences. Sometimes you see them clearly.
It's surely clear the average german citizen takes part actively in the city life, that is, not politically, but in other ways as knowing his rights, doing what he has to, control that all is ok (e.g. his neighbours aren't kicking themselves to death...)
This point is particularly interesting.
German for example in most of the case have not shutters at their windows, and often nor curtains.
This is weird for us. Not only for the sun coming in at 6AM, but also for the lack of privacy.
In every society a crucial point is the social surveillance and control. How is it performed? And how much?
In Italy nobody cares for what happens. "Occhio non vede, cuore non duole" (= if you ignore something and turn the head not to see, you won't worry for that) is a italian motto. Omerta', is a italian word for those that pretend not to have seen anything.
In Italy only policemen are supposed to have a certain kind of control, but even them aren't doing it as we would expect.
On the other hand we got to put attention on an exagerate social control from the society itself, because that brings serious risks and weirdnesses.
In any case centuries ago everyone in the town was knowing what was happening. And that's not too bad. It's the bigotry that led to disasters such as witch hunt and other "social diseases" that in any case -just to say- where brought by catholic and religious misconceptions. (Yes, cuz hate is often son of major 'Churches' and for Churches I intend religions, politicals, beliefs, and strong ideals, sad but true).
So just to finish: I believe in distributed social control. I don't like it, because I'm an animal and I would like to live alone in a wood, but I think it can create positive dynamics, positive forces (a good starting environment and conditions are needed). You know, every society needs some forces, glues, dibates, to keep strong.
Our society is collapsing, because we are not strong, we are pampered, we indulge on ourself, everything is too easy. We have no reason to trust and love the others, to create some kind of groups, kept together by social or cultural or immanent issues.
And in the meanwhile we have hate (in this period lots of immigrants in Italy are raising tensions and racist behaviours), but most of all, stress.
I always say that nowadays italians are stress-animals, rather than social-animal or whatever. We have huge problems with stress, social stress, family stress, city stress, office stress and so on. Also political stress, because there is not even one italian citizen who is happy with the political situation. Italy is frozen. Italy is broken. Italians are divided.
Most of the people think about stress as a minor issue, but they never heard about 'system with feedback' in system theory, they never knew that an electronic amplifier can break itself because of a tiny input that then get feedbacked. So are societys and people. Psychoanalyst should care about this more often. Is not such huge concepts like Electra complex that ruins people. Is just small things like stress that start to break relationship with ourself and the others. And then, in a while you become a monster, or the others do, and nothing is possible no more.
So let's close this point.
Just to come back to facts, I needed a document in english from university. I phoned to the student office (no, not Student Office, the fuckin' gueplh association, I mean segreteria studenti!). This is the phone call:
"Hallo, I call from Germany and I need a document bla bla bla but it must be written in English"
"No no, we are in italy, we speak italian"
"You are in Italy, I'm in Germany and if you don't give me this fuckin'document my fuckin'taxes will be raised to the max amount"
"No is not possible bla bla"
Ma vaffanculo! (ah there is nothing like a healty vaffanculo!)
The secretary made joke of me and those old fashioned italian. But indeed if you ask a document in english to a german university they provide it. And german is a more widespread language than italian, but they aren't nationalist when the fuck is not needed.
We instead are fuckin'nationalist only in soccer world championship.
And we are fuckin'selfish in all the other days.
Such as "io copro tutto poi cazzi degli altri".
In My Humble Opinion, this is the way italians are, this is the way germans are.
All of us have pros and cons, and today I displaied only some aspects of the two societies, of course.
I'll be back in the next month with some other discussion about this topic.
Greetings to all my great friends, that of course are not this way. See you soon guys, I'll be back fo xmas!
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