Showing posts with label finns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label finns. Show all posts

Friday 27 February 2009

As always in life, "soon" comes much later than the worst expectations.
Things changed again, a new semester started and eventually I found it was time to write.

Part 1 - Verschiedenheit
Vaasa is a nice city - at least it appear
s so when covered with snow. It is much more heimlich than Lahti to me, I like the happier accent they have, rather different from the dull etelä suomi accent. I loved the casheer that greets you with a "hej då".
Same goes with the university; a very small university as student number, though with the services and location of a prestigeous university (for italian standards). Freed
om of subjects and lots of entertaining activities for students. And how much is the fee? 0.00€

Now some trivia that non-finnish reader may find interesting - if there are any!

Cold related trivia:
- your nose: when temperature sinks below -10, you will feel it. Or actually you won't feel at all. With such temperatures, I experienced l
oss of sensitivity and, after longer exposition, a little pain in the exposed parts. Moreover, the steam naturally produced by breathing needs shorter time to get liquid. Actually, after some time outside, I found water coming down my nose all the time.
- The ghosts: smog produced my vehicles, for some reason, doesn't fly away, but remains for quite some time close to the ground, between 0 and 30 cm approx. These small cl
ouds move close to the ground, and move as other cars approach; they stirred my immagination and to me they look like smoke ghosts.

- The day when the snow melted in Vaasa I f
elt as if everything had changed. Roads looked different, and people felt "closer".

- There is an entire road in Vaasa city centre which is warmed, so that snow never covers it. 

Non-cold-related trivia:

- Not only Finnish students love to drink and
 sing ominous songs while they do it: they also wear overalls in such occasions. I know that students are sometimes called "the workers of knowledge", but isn't this a too lit
eral interpretation?

Part 2 - Ma maison c'est la meilleur, car elle a une porte e des fenetres...

A new semester has come. Study again, lectures, and some of them are even pleasant. My last semester it appears to be... for the time being; of the future I do not know!
I started writing a short essay called "Pride is Prejudice" which by the way has nothing to do with Jane Austin. We had another D&D session and we are waiting everybody to be back, for the "incredibly funny thing" the master has promised us weeks ago.
The world is sinking down at hyper-speed; world economy is crumbling as a dead golem.
I don't like to boast, but I said it. Who has
 known me for some time knows that since when I was 14 I am expecting a world catastrophe, showing the crazyness of the whole system we built. Social Darwinism is the exc
use european (and therefore also american) race* has used for a long time to justify aggression and violence towards other people, and now it seems we europans have totally failed with this economic system. Schade. Perhaps people will learn how to "feed on dry tubers" or perhaps not. Nothing in the universe is stubborn as a human being.

Myself, I find much pleasure in books, lectures and games. Useless things are the greatest creation of human mind. Nobody but us could create the Beowulf or Blackgammon.

And now, to pamper your eyes, a random picture.

Thursday 10 July 2008

The travels of Munniver

I' sorry for all the (imaginary) readers of this blog, for not having time - or means - to share my extreme experiences in the country that recently won the "most eccentric country" award: Finland.
I've been here for... several weeks, lots of time and yet not enough. My knowledge of finnish advances very slowly, partly for lack of time, but mostly for the characteristic of the language itself. Every time I learn a new word, or grammar feature, I find out later that I was mistaken, or the word is right, but it has 7 other more often used synonyms. Learning a language has seldom been more frustrating.
The other habits still surprise me, or I surprise them; for example, Jaakko was amazed, impressed and disgusted when he saw me putting salt on salad.
Salt and oil, is there anything more basic for a salad?
And there is a lot more. What about, for example, the silence? It seems to be a law in here, that I actually don't dislike - and as every rule is often broken by teenagers. I could spend hours describing the perfectly hygenic lack of hygene; no matter what they do, finns are always healthy - except for lactose allergies.
I should post a few pictures, but, well, they are on the other account now. I suggest to everybody who has a facebook account to check them there.
All the time I've been moving. After Lappeenranta I came back to lahti for one single day to leave again for Helsinki. There, after 2 days I departed for Turku, where the Ferry to Mariehamn, Åland, was. Together with Jaakko we went on a short trip with the motto "Knights & Dragons". Don't ask me why.
After enjoying tax free shopping, wonderful scenery from the sundeck, terrible wind on the sundeck, we reached the glorious capital of... Åland.
The city is tiny but quite pretty, a weird little island, in which finns can fell "half-foreigners".
There's not too much in Åland, but beaches, bird poo, ships and tiny forests should keep you busy for some time.
Then we faced another too early departure, this time towards the capital of... Sweden!
I have to say - finns, forgive me -  I loved Stockholm. There is so much to see and to do; the capital seems massive, its city centre comfortable and huge: looking from the channel, you can see a wide wide city, or so it seems. Don't think of New York, that's way to  big, but in Stockholm, there's free air - except in the small tourist venues of the Old city - everywhere. There is room for people. And toilets are expensive.
There is an entire small island for museums and a park, a Tourist could spend weeks in it. We only had tim to visit the Vasa museum and it was great.
By chance, we had the two sunniest day of the summer... so that the city looked even happier and warmer - Helsinki feels quite the opposite.
So, long story short, I ran out of time. I'll try to write again soon....


Sunday 15 June 2008


I'm in Finland right now and I've been here for 4 days now. I wish to speak a bit about it, but i'm given no time at the right moment. I'll surprise you with a few pictures though...

Wonderful sunset on lake Näsijärvi. 11PM approx.

Hedgehog (Siili) in Tampere.