And thus it happened. Quickly, without time for remorse, the end came.
All my flatmates left very soon. I hated them, but leaving is forgiving. May they have peace.
Luca left quite soon. We gathered there, in the courtyard, after a long terrible night in "the Church". It was a very windy and sunny morning, time for farewell. That was the last time I saw him. We kept tears for ourselves. Remy brought him to the airport on his car. The two flatmates travelled together once more.
Many memories came to my mind, things to remember, thing seen together. All gone.
We had but a last hug to tell each other everything. Goodbye.
Thus he left. The wind brought clouds. We went back home.
Then it was time to say hello to everybody else, the same night.
I spent the day cleaning and trashing everything I couldn't bring with me. One shall not have more than he can carry on his shoulders, if he's willing to have any adventure.
Things own us, they are an anchor that keep us down, at the harbour.
Evening came. We ate our last dinner, full of sorrow, of remorse, and carelessness. Then all the "survivors" met there, at Alice's place (was it?). Me, Henna, Remy, Alice, Arielle, Giorgia, Federica. We spent a wonderful night, talking, throwing a ball, throwing wax on Remy's laptop (ooops), drinking vinegar (yuck!), beer.... One of those usual wonderful Erasmus night. So bad it was the last one. Then me and Henna had to leave, our flight was in the night. We hugged everybody and said bye a thousand times. It was so hard. Then we wanted to say farewell to the Californians, Christian, Federico, Kevin. They were having a party at Trevor's and every single of them was drunk as fuck. They barely notice we where in. We managed to say bye to Federico though. It was better maybe. I felt sick of farewells. We saw them in the best of their lives, laughing and having fun, not minding about the future. The moment itself was reality. Jumping and spanking each other was the thing. I like to imagine that they are partying even now, there in Belgrove; I am too melancholic to party on the edge of the end.
Farewell boys, I will not forget you.
Packages done, away we go, to the airport. At the first light of dawn we get to say goodbye, we are able to say "farewell or see you" to all the buildings and fields, dyed by the pink morning light. The early bus catches me and Henna. He drives us north, to the airport. We are given the chance for a last look to the city. Seagulls walk in Grafton Street. The radio is on a Gaelic channel. The speaker says us "Slàn". Here we go, the journey with the bus ends, we are in the airport.
The thousand things I didn't have time to do come to my mind. It's too late to mourn.
Farewell Ireland.
Me and Henna take different planes. For us it is just a "see you soon".
I am tired. I did not sleep all night. But I have some energy left to feel sad other than sleepy.
The airplane accelerates, more and more; the wheels leave the soil, and as they are tear away from the soil, my heart is teared apart. Farewell Ireland. This time is no joke. This time may be forever. Farewell Ireland. Farewell to the green fields and the muddy beaches, to the crows and the people, to the Guinness and Inis Mòr, to the incredible rocks of Giants' Causeway and wonderful lakes of Killarney.
Farewell Kathleen ni Houlihan, my love, Farewell.
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