Sunday 29 June 2008

Die zeit, the time that kills

After this huge expierence (never huge enough, never long enough, never enough), there's a lesson among the others that I had to draw: Time wipes, with every little drop that flows away, places, emotions, moments, feelings, people, loves.
I can be pretty sure I'll never see some special someones, but not necessarily cause of premature death: because mutually banished and ostracized by time.
Leaving home first, and Ulm afterwards, I discovered that there's a horrible truth that I already knew, slightly, but I can feel burdening and omnipresent: time kills, passing by.
When you live the same place for years you run into the illusion that things are changeless and still, because the hills never move, nor they'll do.
But we walk in time, not only on earth, and the hills fade away, people fade away, we fade away. We'll never reach the same place even crossing a square called during the centuries under the same name. As Eraclitus said: "You could not step twice into the same river; for other waters are ever flowing on to you"

World stands there, people don't, expierences don't.

We all have to face that, cause what scares us most of this truth is: death. Death is the natural consequence of all this. And as a natural thing we shouldn't be scared but allow it to be.
If we couldn't die I think we would barely care about things going away forever. Time would be but a two penny coin if we would be timeless. Hopefully we are not.
But we are scared to lose things as the time passes away: it gives us no control on the events, on our lives, nothing to hold on to.

In my taoistic point of view I feel this lesson as the most important one as it is the key to live peacefully whatever happens outside, whatever we have to face.
There's no race, nor no place, that can avoid the rule of time, that's why Huginn is speaking that way: to tell you what he saw so far, wherever he went.


Vale said...

so true!

Huginn said...

yep, but so sad... :(((