Want to see the world, but too lazy to join the army? Check out this blog!
Saturday 7 June 2008
Have you thought it was the end? That with that last post, "Hugin and Munin" or "Fratelli oltr'Alpe" was archived, finished, just a piece of garbage left in Google's memory? Did you hope for it? It's not!
Eventually, Erasmus is just about getting drunk with foreign people.
"Un giorno Huginn e Muninn vennero a posarsi nelle nostre vicinanze, su di un picco sopra le valli, e allora capii che volevano qualcosa da noi: girare il mondo e portare notizia alle orecchie di Wotan. E così, eccoci: Huginn e Muninn, pensiero e memoria, Leonardo e Daniele, pronti per conoscere ciò che sta fuori dalla propria tana, dall'italia, e divulgarlo."
Leonardo = Hugin, had been living for 5 months in Ulm, Germany. Daniele = Munin, had lived for 9 months in Dublin, Ireland and 1.5 months in Finland. Both are back in Italy now.
This blog is multilingual, multicreated, multiplied; all we write comes from personal intepretation of our experiences and facts. If you feel offended by the content of our posts, please send us an e-mail. We won't reply anyway.
1 comment:
I saw a beautiful t-shirt with this image of the evolution....the funny thing was that the man turns and tells the others "stop following me!"
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